Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Post from Carepages, May 7, 2010
(Written by Jordyn's mother, Tracey)
Home Sweet Home
Jordyn is finally "Home Sweet Home!" Wow....time flies! We have been home...back to St Jude this week....and just got home again last evening. I apologize for not posting sooner but as you can imagine we have just been enjoying our surroundings here at home with our family. We did not post or publish our return as Jordyn and I just wanted to make a quiet entrance home with our immediate family since it had been so long since seeing them all. What a 'Sweet' day it was!
Jordyn is doing so well with her recovery process.....I couldn't ask for anything more. To have a doctor look you in the eye and say "what a miracle she is" is an out of this world undescribable feeling!
Lots of recovery still to be had but with the determination & strength Jordyn has shown us, it gives us the hope to look at it all with positive thoughts, energy and faith stronger than ever!
Jordyn and I will be having to return to St Jude every other week which will keep life still hectic and crazy busy. We will be home one week and in Tennessee one week. But no complaints here because WE ARE HOME SWEET HOME in between!! Life is Good!!
Post from Carepages, April 17, 2010
(Written by Jordyn's mother, Tracey)
Our 100 day Results
Life is a gift.....and for Jordyn a gift of life she was given once again! Our 100 day results are in and Jordyn's cancer remains in remission as her bone marrow shows no signs of disease!!
As you can imagine many many emotions run through all of us....emotions that are truly unexplainable!
Like I've stated before.....Prayer is Powerful! I know so many many people have spent much time praying and really asking for a miracle. A miracle is what has been given. For that my Thanks goes to the Higher One......everyday I promise to never forget what He has given me in Jordyn's situation and/or in my life. God is Good!
Although what I truly want to hear and know is that this cancer is gone.....gone forever. I want to hear that her body will withstain all the poisons that have been placed in her body. I want to know so much more but reality is that we don't know what the future holds for any of us. So I have to let go of the unknown and stay focused on each day as it comes with positive thoughts and energy! And thru all of this....gratitude is the way to bring more into our lives! So if this is the cure for a month, a year, a few years or the cure for her to grow old in life.....I truly am grateful!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Post from Carepages, April 11, 2010
(Written by Jordyn's mother, Tracey)
Day +100
Today is Day +100 for Jordyn in the transplant world! On Monday Jordyn will have her bone marrow aspiration procedure to test her marrow after a good 100 days out from transplant. Depending on her results from the test we will finally find out when we will arrive back into the state of New Hampshire! Both her and I are very anxious and overwhelmingly excited. It has been quite an addition to JordynzJourney here at St Judes...that's for sure!! Jordyn has shown us all so much the meaning of hope....strength.....determination......love.....compassion.....and most of all, she has drawn so many of us closer by understanding the true knowledge and meaning of life and how cherished it should be each and everyday!
Overall Jordyn has been doing outstanding. Her labs have all been wonderful. Each day she gains a little more strength. While each day she rides a bike a little longer and climbs a little higher on the playground. We are so proud of her eating most of all. She finally came off her tube feedings as of a few weeks ago. That was a milestone for her for sure. She went almost 5 months without eating a stitch of normal food. We are so proud of her for all her strong will to have come so far. She is amazing in every way possible!
Again, we can't say it enough.......My family THANKS everyone for all the overwhelming support, love, and prayers that have surrounded us and continues to surround us!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Jordyn's Ride
Plans are being made for the annual "Jordyn's Ride" benefit to be held this year on May 8. There is a website (http://www.jordynsride.com ) for anyone interested in participating. Thank you!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Post from Carepages March 4, 2010
(Written by Jordyn's mother, Tracey)
Day +63
Wow...I didn't realize it has been quite a while since my last update and I apologize. They have kept us very busy which is a good thing for time to pass us by. On my last post I mentioned that Jordyn had gone back into the hospital but she was blessed and able to be discharged on Valentines Day. We enjoyed being eachothers Valentine and I even made her favorite meal for the two of us....chicken on the bone!! ha ha
Since being back on the outpatient side of things we have been busy shuttling back and forth from Target House to Hospital up until last week. Jordyn came down with yet another little virus that has landed her into isolation. The good thing is that we were able to stay out of the hospital but the down side is that we did have to leave the Target House and be put into an isolation room at the Grizzly House right on campus. We decided we do not enjoy isolation much at all! She is not allowed on shuttles, which is good for me...get exercise and have to hoof it around campus, nor is she allowed anywhere in the hospital. To get in we have our very own entrance, which I told her is because she is a celebrity and we have to sneak in. Upon entering we have to gown and glove up and then be escorted right into an isolation room at hospital. Crazy but a safe and good procedure to protect the other children. We are in hopes of coming out of isolation by next week. Other than that she was having severe headaches the past few weeks. She had a few extra tests...MRI, MRA, Lumbar Puntures, and eye doc appointments. All have confirmed that she had a some extra fluid in her spinal column, behind her eyes, and in her brain cavity. She has been put on medication to drain the swelling which has worked great and alleviated the pain she was having. The downside is we do not know what is causing the swelling as of yet. We had our MRA today so hopefully we will be able to get to the bottom of it soon.
By the grace of God her blood work continues to be 100% donor cells. We have been celebrating her 9th birthday for the past couple weeks even though on a normal basis one would celebrate in only one day! Not Jordyn!! We do have to thank all of you for all your wonderful birthday wishes and a slew of cards! She loved them for sure!! For me..I give special thanks every night to God for giving me the miracle to be able to celebrate my daughters 9th birthday. Children are a gift and forever will I give thanks to Him for my blessings!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
New! Hope for Jordyn Magnets...

This magnet was designed based on Jordyn's trademark "one leaf flower" drawings. Often when she came home from school, her school papers would have these "one leaf flowers" painted or colored on her work. Three words were incorporated that have guided the family through their fight- Faith, Love, Hope. The result is beautiful!
The magnets are round (4" diameter) and are $5 each. Half the money raised helps Jordyn's family with their ever-increasing costs incurred during this process, and the other half will go to families on the NH Seacoast with children who are also battling cancer.
If you would like to purchase these magnets, please send a note including how many you would like with payment to:
Robin Chalifour
19 Sloper Road
Strafford, NH 03884
Questions? Email me.