Friday, October 16, 2009

  • Go here to read the latest Carepage update from Jordyn's mother.


  1. Dear Jordyn and Family, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I so miss seeing your smiling face at school.....Mrs. Downing, SMS

  2. As the parents of Baby Giovanni who needed a bone marrow match to live before age 1 we know how you all feel. Very sorry to hear this news and hope you find a new match quickly. If you need any help with any bone marrow drives please contact Christina at 603-524-8284 or visit

  3. Dear Jordyn,
    We are so sorry that you have to go through this stuff again; you have been so strong before and we know that you can do it again. My 8 year old son Alex has ALL and he wants you to know that he said hello and to stay positive and strong. You and your family are in our thoughts.
    You can win this battle!!!
    Marcie, Bill, Alex, Olivia Anderson

  4. Dear Jordyn,
    I just read the wonderful article about your remission and it is truly a miracle!! You are such a strong, positive girl who inspires so many people back here in NH. The picture of you and your sister is great and you have the most beautiful smile. Please keep up all the hard work you are doing to kick cancer's butt!! I look forward to hearing more positive news in the future. If you would like to visit our sons's Caringbridge website here is the address:
    we would love to hear from you!!!
    Take care of yourself and your mom!!
    Marcie, Bill, Alex, Olivia Anderson
